The Essential Know-How Of Car Glass Repair

As a car owner, you have visited the workshop many times for car glass repair. Your workshop gives you advice for maintenance—a schedule that shows the life of different parts that need to be replaced or fixed periodically. But the car windscreen is often overlooked, even though it is a vital part of the car’s safety structure. 

You only think about windscreen care when it is damaged, sometimes so badly that you cannot drive with it. You can easily find so many drivers driving cars with cracked car glasses. They know that it is risky, but they keep on driving because the windscreen is laminated and will not shatter like side glass.

So, we decided to cover an important topic. When do you need a car glass replacement and what are the chances that the crack can be repaired?

Understanding Car Glass Repair Conditions

A car glass repair is possible only for the front car glass. It’s because in most cars, the front car glass is laminated and doesn’t break into pieces. Other car glasses are tempered and hence shatter on strong impact. 

Any crack in the front car glass that is smaller than a rupee coin can be fixed. As long as it is not directly in the driver’s view or near the edges. The edges are repairable and there are not more than two cracks at a reasonable distance from one another. You can talk to an auto repair service provider to get a better idea on this.

Why Is It Important To Repair Car Glass?

A car glass has three main functions for your car, as follows.

  • It supports the roof of your car and prevents it from collapsing
  • Car glass acts as a shield and keeps out dirty air, dust and debris, and other dangers from entering your vehicle
  • It also ensures that the airbags deploy evenly and protect you from falling out of the car after a crash.

Windshields are quite useful, but people do not care much about repairing them when they are cracked or scratched by the claws of cats or dogs. Have you ever tried getting a car glass repair or anything like that? You might have never changed the windscreen wipers or had a car glass replacement until the glass or wipers were completely ruined!

What Is The Cost Of Car Glass Repair & Why?

The cost of repairing a single crack on your car glass can range from ₹ 800 to ₹ 2500, depending on the car model. The reason for the difference in repair cost is that different models have different features, such as heating wires, sensors, etc. So, the repair cost depends on the skill and time needed to fix it. 

Sadly, when your car glass has a hairline crack, it cannot be fixed. No car glass replacement company in India uses a hairline repair kit. Most of the companies only replace the car glass and do not even suggest a repair.

Closing Thoughts

So, in case of a car glass repair, don’t delay, act quickly. Small chips and cracks may not look serious, but they can grow and weaken your windshield’s strength. Using resin injection methods for repairs or opting for car glass replacement for more severe damage ensures you’re driving with a clear view and optimal protection.

Published by Windshield Repairs

A car windshield is its most important factor, but it is most prone to breaking as well. At Windshield Repairs, we can help repair or replace your windshield. Our solutions are robust and affordable. Thus, you will not only get a high-quality windshield but an expert installation as well.

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